01 On a par with the Miss (English)

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I'm Mandy, your host and coach on this journey through the world of female leadership. Today, I want to take you on an exciting ride in this podcast episode and...
mostra másIn the second part, she'll take you on her journey as a female leader – it'll be humorous, but also filled with serious and real challenges she encounters, challenges that you might also face. In the third part, you'll hear my thoughts on self-confidence, something every female, and let's be honest, every leader, should hear when they feel unsure or struggle to be as authentic in their role as they'd like.
So, buckle up for an exciting ride, with a few leaps of thought into the world of the female leader, as we wrap up this podcast.
Write your own experience to mandymann38@outlook.de and we will publish your experiences into next episodes.
Find out more about me at www.mandymann.de!
Autor | Mandy Mann |
Organización | Mandy Mann |
Página web | www.mandymann.de |
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