03 Women, it's Time to Break Free from Perfectionism! (English)

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Welcome to the Weiblich.Stark.Führungskraft" podcast! In this episode, we're focusing on breaking the chains that hold back women in leadership positions and ushering in a new era of authentic, confident...
mostra másIn this episode, we're focusing on breaking the chains that hold back women in leadership positions and ushering in a new era of authentic, confident leadership. In this episode, we explore the impact of perfectionism on female leaders and how they can free themselves from it.
We'll briefly delve into the story of Simone, who found the courage to forge her own path, and I'll share three practical tips on how you can overcome the urge for perfection.
But that's not all! On March 30th at 4 PM, I invite you to an exclusive live session where we'll dive deeper into the topic and collaboratively work on solutions.
Don't miss the chance to be part of this moving discussion! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram (@she.leads.with.mandy) for more inspiring content and updates.
Together, we can shatter the chains of perfectionism and create a future of authentic, confident leadership. So, buckle up and get ready to elevate your leadership to a new level!
Autor | Mandy Mann |
Organización | Mandy Mann |
Página web | www.mandymann.de |
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