1 - A Brief Overview of the Text | Swami Tattwamayananda

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- 'Drg-Drsya-Viveka' is an introductory book on Advaita Vedanta, technically called a 'Prakarana Grantha (प्रकरण ग्रंथ), which teaches the identity and oneness of the individual Jiva and Paramatman. - Vedanta...
mostra máswhich teaches the identity and oneness of the individual Jiva and Paramatman.
- Vedanta is not a new knowledge; it reminds us of our true reality; it is the re-discovery of our own true nature.
- Atman (knowledge of Atman) is not something that could be produced or transformed or attained or purified.
- (" न उत्पाद्यं, न विकार्यम्, न आप्यं, न संस्कार्यं " - Shankaracharya’s commentary on the Ishavasya Upanishad).
Some important topics discussed are:
-Spiritual sleep and awakening
-The laws of karma and re-incarnation
-The wheel of karma - vrtti - samskara - vasana - samkalpa and again karma...
-The importance of Sadhana Chatushtaya (साधनचतुष्टय)
-Different forms of 'samadhi'.
Autor | Vedanta Society, San Francisco |
Organización | Vedanta Society, San Francisco |
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