1 reyes 9 Un Dios que habla claro y directo.

18 de ene. de 2023 · 7m 41s
1 reyes 9 Un Dios que habla claro y directo.

1 reyes 9 Un Dios que habla claro y directo. 1 Reyes 9:1‭-‬9 RVA2015 (Por favor leer en su biblia estos versos) versos 4-7 Y en cuanto a ti, si...

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1 reyes 9 Un Dios que habla claro y directo.
1 Reyes 9:1‭-‬9 RVA2015 (Por favor leer en su biblia estos versos)

versos 4-7 Y en cuanto a ti, si andas delante de mí como anduvo tu padre David, con integridad de corazón y con rectitud, haciendo todas las cosas que te he mandado y guardando mis leyes y mis decretos, entonces estableceré para siempre el trono de tu reino sobre Israel, como prometí a tu padre David, diciendo: ‘No te faltará un hombre sobre el trono de Israel’. Pero si obstinadamente ustedes y sus hijos se apartan de mí y no guardan mis mandamientos y mis estatutos que he puesto delante de ustedes, y se van y sirven a otros dioses y los adoran, entonces eliminaré a Israel del suelo que les he dado.

Usualmente la humanidad piensa que Dios es un Dios tan oscuro y misteriosos que es difícil de entender e imposible escuchar su voz. Muchos viajan largas distancias para consultar gurús en la india o monjes en el Himalaya para comprender lo que Dios o alguna divinidad exótica quiere comunicarles. Otros pagan grandes sumas de dinero para que médiums les interpreten las señales de un ser divino y les revele acerca de su futuro.
El verdadero Dios es diferente. Es uno que se deja hayar, que escucha y que está dispuesto a hacer un pacto de amor con aquellos que desean conocerlo y caminar conforme a su palabras en rectitud, justicia e integridad. Eso fue lo que hizo David y fue protegido, bendecido y prosperado por el Señor. David tuvo encuentros con Dios, Dios le hablaba y David obedecía.
En el caso de Salomón, su primer encuentro con Dios fue muy hermoso porque en eses momento Salomón buscaba a Dios de todo corazón. Estaba ansioso por hallar gracia delante de Dios pues tenía un reto muy grande que era reinar sobre un pueblo muy grande. Salomón pidió sabiduría y Dios se agradó de esa petición, conediendole sabiduria, poder y abundancia.
Ahora, vemos que salomon una vez mas tiene un encuentro con Dios y se encuentra hablando con Dios directamente. Dios lo visita por segunda vez y es para comunicarle dos cosas:
Primero, para confirmarle que Él había escuchado su oración, que iba a habitar en medio del pueblo y que escucharía todas las oraciones elevadas desde el templo costuido para honrar a Dios.
Segundo, Dios les anticipa lo que pasaría en el porvenir, en el futuro. Les advierte del peligro de lo que pasaría con él y el pueblo si no siguen la justicia la rectitud y la integridad.
Dios abandonaría el templo, no escucharía sus oraciones y llegaría la destrucción a la nación. Todo esto sucederia si Salomon abre su corazon a adorar dioses paganos, dioses de lso pueblos vecinos. Al hacer esto, el pueblo se iba a contaminar con ellos y detruiria todo lo grande y hermoso que Dios les abria dado.
Dios fue claro con Israel y es claro con nosotros. El es fiel a sus promesas y es muy misericoridoso, perdonando nuestrs faltas y dandonos una nueva oportunidad para corregir nuestros errores si volvemos al camino.
Pero si ignoramos la voz de Dios y el llamado qeu su Santo Espiritu nos hace cunado estamos equivocados y persistimos en alejarnos de Su palabra haciendo injusticias contra nuestro projimo, haciendoles daño, si practicamos el pecado y no nos arrepentimos de ellos, y si vivimos una vida de apariencia y no de sinceridad, entonces sabremos cual será el futuro que nos espera, una vida din la gracia y el amor del Señor. neustra alma no descansará por mas que tengamos popularidad o alguna posicion importante en la sociedad. La perturbacion y la confusion sera lo que nos va a rodear continuamente y no seremos completamente felices, pues si Dion no hay nada. Ademas de no poder disfrutar de esta vida terrenal, tampoco vamos a disfrutar la vida eterna con el Señor!
Es mejor seguir el camino del Señor. Escucha su voz y camina con Él junto con tu hogar. Es mejor honrar al Señor y tener Su bendicion sombre tu vida y tu familia.
Soy Eduardo Rodriguez.
1 Kings 9: A God who speaks clear and direct.

1 Kings 9:1‭-‬9:
And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished building the house of the Lord and the king’s house, and all Solomon’s desire which he wanted to do, that the Lord appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon. And the Lord said to him: “I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’ But if you or your sons at all turn from following Me, and do not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them; and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight. Israel will be a proverb and a byword among all peoples. And as for this house, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and will hiss, and say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?’ Then they will answer, ‘Because they forsook the Lord their God, who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, and worshiped them and served them; therefore the Lord has brought all this calamity on them.’ ”

Usually, humanity thinks that God is so hidden and mysterious that it is difficult to understand and impossible to hear His voice. Many travel long distances to consult gurus in India or monks in Tibet to understand what God or some exotic divinity wants to communicate to them. Others pay large sums of money to have a medium interpret the signs of a divine being and reveal to them about their future.
The true God is different. He is One who allows Himself to be found, who listens and who is willing to make a pact of love with those who want to know Him and walk according to His Word in rectitude, justice and integrity. That was what David did and he was protected, blessed and prospered by the Lord. David had encounters with God, God spoke to him and David obeyed.
In the case of Solomon, his first encounter with God was very beautiful because at that moment Solomon was seeking God with all his heart. He was anxious to find grace before God, since he had a very big challenge that was to reign over a very large people. Solomon only asked for wisdom and God was pleased with that request, granting him wisdom, power and abundance.
Now we see that Solomon, once again, had an encounter with God, he was talking to God directly. God visited him a second time and it is to communicate two things: First, to confirm that He had heard his prayer, that He was going to dwell in the midst of the people and that He would listen to all the prayers raised from the temple built to honor God.
Second, God anticipated what would happen in the future. He warned him of the danger of what would happen to him and the people if they do not follow justice, rectitude and integrity. God would abandon the temple, He would not listen to his prayers and destruction would come to the nation. All this would happen if Solomon opened his heart to worship pagan gods, gods of the neighboring towns, because by doing this, the people would contaminate themselves and destroy everything great and beautiful that God had given them.

God was clear with Israel and He is clear with us. He is faithful to His promises and is very merciful, forgiving our faults and giving us a new opportunity to correct our mistakes if we get back on track. But if we ignore the voice of God and the call that His Holy Spirit makes us when we are wrong and we persist in moving away from His Word doing injustices against our neighbors, causing them harm; if we practice sin and don't repent, and if we live a life of appearance and not of sincerity, we know in advance what the future will be that awaits us, a life without the grace and love of the Lord. Our soul will not rest no matter how popular or important we are in society. Disturbance and confusion will surround us continuously and we will not be completely happy, because without God there is nothing. In addition to not being able to enjoy this earthly life, we are not going to enjoy eternal life with the Lord either!
It is better to follow the way of the Lord, listen to His voice and walk with Him together with your family. It is better to honor the Lord and have His blessing on your life and your family.

I'm Eduardo Rodríguez.

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