1 Samuel 30-31 - Naked Bible Podcast

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1 Samuel 30-31 - Naked Bible Podcast
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With Dr. Matthew Halsted After the Amalekites attacked Ziklag and took captive David’s wives and other people, David and his men pursued and defeated the Amalekites, recovering all of the...
mostra másAfter the Amalekites attacked Ziklag and took captive David’s wives and other people, David and his men pursued and defeated the Amalekites, recovering all of the captives and goods. Meanwhile, Saul and his men were defeated and killed by the Philistines. David buried Saul and his sons with honor. Listen to find out how the gospel of Jesus can be found in these later chapters.
Autor | Fringe Radio Network |
Organización | Fringe Radio Network |
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