#10 Beyond the Should Storm: Reframing Parenting with Dr. Alison Escalante

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#10 Beyond the Should Storm: Reframing Parenting with Dr. Alison Escalante
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In episode 10 of the Odd Mom Pod, host Brittany interviews Dr. Allison Escalante, a board-certified pediatrician with two decades of experience in guiding parents. They delve into Dr. Escalante's...
mostra másResources:
00:00 Welcome to the Odd Mom Pod: Empowering a New Generation
00:43 Special Guest Dr. Allison Escalante: A Deep Dive into Modern Parenting
01:29 Unpacking Childhood Influences on Parenting Styles
03:19 The Journey from Old School to Empowered Parenting
06:14 Introducing Sigh, See, Start: A Revolutionary Parenting Method
33:21 Navigating the Challenges of High Achievement Culture and Long COVID
35:20 Finding Strength and Compassion Through Personal Struggles
44:38 Wrapping Up: The Importance of Self-Compassion and Community Support
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