100x your Healing by Starting from the Outside > In. The Natural Pathways

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100x your Healing by Starting from the Outside > In. The Natural Pathways
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Regenerative Bodywork System Course: Part 3 Want to know why your massage or yoga isn't moving your pain out? It get's blocked at the exit. The issue: If there are...
mostra másWant to know why your massage or yoga isn't moving your pain out? It get's blocked at the exit.
The issue: If there are blocks along the paths or tubes, It’s like trying to brush knotty hair from the tops of the head. The hair will knot more, get stuck and rip through. Or it’s like trying to get water through a hose, if there are kinks you have to unwind the kinks or get rid of the stones for the water to go.
There are natural pathways for toxins, inflamation, emotions and energy to leave the body. They leave from the outermost part of us. the part farthest from the heart and organs— feet, hands, head, armpit, our root, and the skin.
The fix: If you open up the path or channel from the out to the in, heavy and hot energy will naturally flow outward. Most people hone in on the “probem areas” but don’t find that it moves quickly they don’t see how it is connected to a larger iterconnected network of channels (tubes) and doorways. They also don’t sense and feel the necessary energy needed to move the block. (Many people have problem areas in the shoulders, lungs, lower back and try to do therapies directly on the issue But it won't budge) However, there isn’t a place for it to go and can cause other issues if not given a way out. If you want to heal your hips or knees- Start at the feet. If you have shoulder pain or asthma- start at the fingertips.
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Autor | Megan Youngmee |
Organización | Megan Youngmee |
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