11. Tiles & Tribulations - A Feast for Odin, the Norwegians, & Escape Plan

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In the ancient Norse lands, we pillage the coasts, whale the seas, craft hammers and mail, and play tetris on the front lawn of the meade hall. Wait, what? We're...
mostra másWe're talking about A Feast for Odin, Uwe Rosenberg's magnum opus. We run through the best parts of of this game and where it fails. We played it 10 times in two weeks -- King Hrothgar would be proud.
Then we talk the Norwegians expansion, which goes down like a smooth glass of meade after the looser plays of vanilla Feast. Guess what though -- the game is basically a patch, and a very good one.
Not too far removed, our topic of the day is the multiplicative effect that spatial elements have on tired board game mechanics. Whether it's the lovely tile placement of Feast, the opportunistic avatar map movements of Marco Polo, or the tension of Escape Plan that has a bit of both, spatial elements make some of our favorite games.
03:20 A Feast for Odin Review - At Least Ten Times
20:35 The Norwegians Expansion - A Review
33:26 The Multiplicative Experience of Spatial Elements in Games - Feature Theme
34:00 Voyages of Marco Polo
34:29 Islebound and Vindication
35:18 Tyrants of the Underdark
36:00 Supermotherload
37:13 Clank
41:18 Escape Plan overview -- a Combo of Tile Placement and Avatar Movement
46:17 Forum Trajanum
49:27 Seafall
51:15 Riverboat
52:02 Grimslingers
Autor | Patrick Flannery |
Organización | Patrick Flannery |
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Patrick Flannery
hace 5 años