#111 - Hoodoo, Rootwork & Conjure with Dr. Rev. Aaron Davis | Glitch Bottle

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What is Hoodoo, and where did the roots of this distinctly American spiritual practice come from? What is a ‘mojo hand’? How can we develop a relationship with herbs and...
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► ✅Sign-up for the ‘Working the Roots’ course- https://www.theblackthorneschool.com/courses/working-the-roots/
► ✅ Visit Aaron’s website - https://soulfulsantero.com/
✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter - https://www.patreon.com/glitchbottle
🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)
Autor | Glitch Bottle (Alexander Eth) |
Organización | Glitch Bottle (Alexander Eth) |
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