#152 - Conjuring Astaroth, The Latin Mass & Popes with Fr. Robert Nixon

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How was the Traditional Latin Mass a focal point of a grimoire (attributed to a Pope) to summon the demon Astaroth? Why did another Pope from the 1200s write a...
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✅►’Grimoire of Pope Pius V’: https://www.hadeanpress.com/shop-guides/p/grimoire-pius-v
✅►’The Secret Pharmacopeia of Pope John XXI’ - https://www.hadeanpress.com/shop-guides/p/secret-pharmacopeia
🎵►Listen to Fr Robert’s Etude melancolique’ - https://open.spotify.com/album/7tPEwF9pCeB2fivE8TSJNE
✅►Support Fr Robert’s Monastery - https://www.newnorcia.com.au/
✅►Monastery Gift Shop! - https://shop.newnorcia.com.au/
✅►The Theatre of Cruelty, through Sensus Fidelium Press - https://sensusfideliumpress.com/products/the-theatre-of-cruelty
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🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)-https://soundcloud.com/crowander
- https://www.crowander.com/
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Organización | Glitch Bottle (Alexander Eth) |
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