173. Intimacy and your Very Best Self with Victoria Brown

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Intimacy and your Very Best Self with Victoria Brown In this week's episode, I'm sharing with you an interview by Victoria Brown on her Very Best Self podcast. She is...
mostra másIn this week's episode, I'm sharing with you an interview by Victoria Brown on her Very Best Self podcast. She is New York City based Senior SoulCycle instructor, Under Armour Athlete, Certified Life Coach, and Founder of the Very Best Self Squad (VBSquad).
Her fitness and mindfulness career began in Los Angeles, spread to Washington, DC, and now takes root in New York City. Her philosophy regarding movement stems from a belief that working out is more mental than it is physical. That we can use what we are fighting for within our lives and allow it to become fuel for moving our bodies through challenges and ultimately feel better mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
She interviewed me on various topics around intimacy, sex, and relationships.
Topics including:
• It’s better to come to the table with what you know to do instead of letting other people make the first step.
• What’s the difference between sex and intimacy, and why is sex still a taboo topic?
• How do you meet your partner when you want the same thing?
• What are your thoughts and beliefs about sexual self?
• Sexual Buffet of options.
• What if your partner is never getting the job done? Should you break up?
• Gen X is not as sexually active as the previous generation, and what will happen in our society and our culture due to that.
• How do you get to the peak of sex without outside stimulation?
• What is mind-body connection?
• The importance of meditation.
Links mentioned:
IG @victoriabrown @verybestself
- Free Women's Workshop: 5-Step Method Emotional + Physical Intimacy
- IG: @kristie_overstreet
- FB: @DrKristieOverstreet
- Ideal Connection FB Group: https://drkristieoverstreet.com/icfbgroup
Autor | Kristie Overstreet |
Organización | Kristie Overstreet |
Página web | - |
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