181. 5 Surprising Ways Anxiety Shows Up In Your Relationships

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Is your anxiety affecting your relationship, or do you have worries that prevent you from dating or pursuing relationships? Do you experience increased anxiety around sexual intimacy? Do you rely...
mostra másDo you experience increased anxiety around sexual intimacy?
Do you rely heavily on your partner to reassure you or calm anxious thoughts?
Do you avoid serious conversations with your partner because you are afraid of conflict?
Do you constantly fear that your partner is going to leave you?
Do you experience anxiety when your partner is away?
Do you convince yourself your partner is unfaithful with no evidence?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, get ready to transform your anxiety. In this episode of Fix Yourself First, Dr. Kristie shares with you the 5 unexpected ways anxiety manifests, which can damage your relationship.
From the questions to ask yourself, the specific issues that cause conflict, and tips to begin dialing down your anxiety, this episode will help you identify the self-change needed to create the relationship you deserve.
Covered in this episode:
➡Exploring the questions to figure out if anxiety is causing issues in your current or future relationship
➡Behaviors that you're doing that surface from anxiety
➡How do your thoughts and beliefs about your relationship trigger your behaviors and feelings?
➡How nervous laughter, caretaking, losing yourself, desire differences, and being overly dependent on your partner can cause relationship damage?
➡Scaling your relationship anxiety, so you feel more confident and connected
Links mentioned:
- Free Women's Workshop: 5-Step Method Emotional + Physical Intimacy
- IG: @kristie_overstreet
- FB: @DrKristieOverstreet
- Ideal Connection FB Group: https://drkristieoverstreet.com/icfbgroup
Autor | Kristie Overstreet |
Organización | Kristie Overstreet |
Página web | - |
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