182. 12 Types of Intimacy Part 1

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When you consider the various types of intimacy, which types of connection do you prefer in your relationships? Are we changing alongside with a relationship? Or are we changing opposite...
mostra másAre we changing alongside with a relationship? Or are we changing opposite of the relationship?
If you're single, think about which ones are top priorities for you as you look for a partner in the future.
In this episode, Dr. Kristie will help you better understand intimacy and how to use it to actually improve your relationships.
So you're already one step ahead of the game by knowing yourself, understanding your intimacy needs, and preparing to avoid becoming a statistic of a short live relationship.
Covered in this episode:
- The average length of a marriage in the US and on average most relationships last
- When you hear the word intimacy, what comes to mind?
- How would recreational intimacy make you feel connected in your relationships?
- What is intellectual intimacy? What does it mean?
- The biggest sex organ we have is the brain.
- What are some of your pet peeves?
- The importance of commitment intimacy
- What does emotional intimacy look like?
Links mentioned:
- Free Women's Workshop: 5-Step Method Emotional + Physical Intimacy
- IG: @kristie_overstreet
- FB: @DrKristieOverstreet
- Ideal Connection FB Group: https://drkristieoverstreet.com/icfbgroup
Autor | Kristie Overstreet |
Organización | Kristie Overstreet |
Página web | - |
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