183. 12 Types of Intimacy Part 2

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If you're in a relationship, or, single, ask yourself the following: How do I define intimacy?What are my intimacy wants, needs, and desires?Which ones are important to my partner (or...
mostra másHow do I define intimacy?What are my intimacy wants, needs, and desires?Which ones are important to my partner (or future partner)?Which do I need to prioritize for my current (or future) relationship?
In this episode with Dr. Kristie will take you through the final 6 of the 12 types of intimacy.
Because it is never too late to build a good relationship by beginning within yourself, you are proactive, looking forward, and making plans right now to do what's best for you.
Covered in this episode:
- Communication is the most important part of intimacy.
- Talking and discussing things help you feel more connected.
- As intimacy goes up, so does trust.
- Why aesthetic intimacy is so important.
- How do you handle a crisis when a crisis hits? How do you support one another?
- How can spiritual intimacy deepen your connections with one another?
- It’s important to speak up assertively.
- Setting clear boundaries is how we teach people how to treat us.
- How you handle conflict will help you determine just how you’re going to work out this relationship.
Links mentioned:
- Free Women's Workshop: 5-Step Method Emotional + Physical Intimacy
- IG: @kristie_overstreet
- FB: @DrKristieOverstreet
- Ideal Connection FB Group: https://drkristieoverstreet.com/icfbgroup
Autor | Kristie Overstreet |
Organización | Kristie Overstreet |
Página web | - |
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