2 - Identifying Ourselves as The 'Witness' (साक्षी) | Swami Tattwamayananda

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Verses 1, 2, 3, 5 A brief overview of the text and the topics discussed: -The eternal conflict: What we want and what our mind is willing to do. -The...
mostra másA brief overview of the text and the topics discussed:
-The eternal conflict: What we want and what our mind is willing to do.
-The cause of problems in our everyday life: forgetting the impermanence of the worldly experiences.
-The subject and the objects, the seer ('drashta') and the seen ('drshya'), the perceiver and the perceived, the witness and the witnessed
-A phenomenological approach
-The form is the seen and objectified.
-Worldly objects and experiences change every moment.
-Atman is the unchanging seer and the eternal witness (साक्षी), which is beyond immanence and transcendence.
-Atman, the eternal, unchanging revealer of all, the 'light of all lights'.
Autor | Vedanta Society, San Francisco |
Organización | Vedanta Society, San Francisco |
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