#20 - Girl, You're a Missionary: April's Divine Calling to Study at the Masters Commission

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This episode contains mature language so listener discretion is advised.
On today’s episode, we’re speaking with April who was raised in the Pentecostal denomination known as Assemblies of God. After being told by a preacher it was her destiny to become a missionary, she applied and was accepted to the Master Commission, an intense discipleship training program. At the school, students train to become AG ministers. April was expected to eat, sleep, and drink the Bible, 24 hours a day. And after several years of some shady leadership, she began to question whether the intensity of the program was worth it. April will walk us through all of the details including a crazy story of the time she and a group were dropped off in the woods with nothing but a single tent.
Autor | Taft Media |
Organización | Taft Media |
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