20-Year-Old is Caught with Fake ID and Won't Tell Police Her Real Identity

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20-Year-Old is Caught with Fake ID and Won't Tell Police Her Real Identity
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20-Year-Old is Caught with Fake ID and Won't Tell Police Her Real Identity On February 10, 2024, Pullman Police responded to the Valhalla Tavern for an ID check. The manager...
mostra másOn February 10, 2024, Pullman Police responded to the Valhalla Tavern for an ID check. The manager suspected that a woman was using a fictious ID to enter the bar. Officer Westerman went to great lengths to try to identify the woman who turned out to be only 20 year-old. When her real identity was discovered, she was arrested for Criminal Impersonation, Minor Frequenting a Tavern, Making False Statements to a Public Servant, and Minor in Possession (MIP) Exhibiting Signs of Intoxication. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
#bodycam #cops #police #policebodycam
Autor | Alexis Knight |
Organización | The Dark Web Vlogs |
Página web | - |
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