24: Clubhouse introduces music mode

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Twitter is doubling down on search, rolling out the discoverability tab and adding topic tagging. While Clubhouse is focussing on audio with the launch of its new music mode. Links...
mostra másLinks mentioned during the show...
Topic tagging rolled out on Twitter https://twitter.com/BigTentSocial/status/1448939193594417153
New analytics tool for Twitter Spaces ilo
Clubhouse makes a song and dance over music mode
@juberti shares top tips for connecting external sound sources to Clubhouse
Latest news from Clubhouse on music mode and search
Clubhouse CEO PAul Davison speaks to Bloomberg about the future and past of Clubhouse
AllThingsAudio Twitter Moment > https://twitter.com/i/events/1450910074650693634
Last week we spoke about the features we would like to see added to Twitter Spaces. Check out that episode here > https://www.spreaker.com/episode/46987642
All Things Audio with Madalyn and Suze is recorded LIVE on Twitter Spaces.
Madalyn Sklar and Suze Cooper AllThings Audio on Twitter Spaces every Wednesday at 3pm EST / 8pm BST.
They talk about the latest updates in social audio including a glitch that's caused Twitter Spaces to crash because of the length of people's names, what's happening with Spotify and Green Room and how YouTube is using speech-to-text technology to enhance search.
After the podcast is recorded we open the mic and speak to people in the Space about the week's hot topics.
Join us Wednesdays on Twitter Spaces to be part of the conversation. Follow @MadalynSkalr to join and follow the hashtag #AllThingsAudio.
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Organización | Big Tent Media |
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