#299 Guest Rich Haas With His New Book Sacred Quantum Metaphysics

29 de nov. de 2016 · 58m 57s
#299 Guest Rich Haas With His New Book Sacred Quantum Metaphysics

Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, November 28th at 8PM MST with guest author Rich Haas and his new book Sacred Quantum Metaphysics.  Writer, Metaphysician, and entrepreneur, Rich Haas,...

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Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, November 28th at 8PM MST with guest author Rich Haas and his new book Sacred Quantum Metaphysics.  Writer, Metaphysician, and entrepreneur, Rich Haas, B.A., CHT, CHt, CHI, CLBLT, operated a successful science-based hypnotherapy practice and school for many decades near Morrison, Colorado.  Rich lectures on a myriad of scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual topics to diverse educational and social associations, teaches meditation to various gatherings, and is excited to share his knowledge with you to help create your better life. Rich attained a psychology degree from San Jose State University, California in 1975. He is a Dual-Certified Hypnotherapist (National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) and the National Guild of Hypnotists), Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor (NATH), Past-Life Regressionist, and a Certified Life-Between-Life Therapist (NATH). Find the complete history and other information at www.RichHaas.com. See the Sacred Quantum Metaphysics Facebook page and www.SacredQuantumMetaphysics.com. Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving! Dave the Mystic
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Autor David Barnett
Organización David Barnett
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