2x14 - King John was not a good man

14 de dic. de 2024 · 11m 5s
2x14 - King John was not a good man

2x14 - King John was not a good man  Voci: Luca Avagliano, Gloria Gulino, Giuseppe Montemarano, Diego Valentino Venditti Testo: Diego Valentino Venditti Montaggio e regia: Gloria Gulino  Le musiche...

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2x14 - King John was not a good man 

Voci: Luca Avagliano, Gloria Gulino, Giuseppe Montemarano, Diego Valentino Venditti
Testo: Diego Valentino Venditti
Montaggio e regia: Gloria Gulino 

Le musiche utilizzate in questo episodio sono:
Da YouTube:
"Dance for Wind Trio" di Sir Cubworth
"Invitation to the Castle Ball" di Doug Maxwell
"Magic kingdom Christmas" di Oleksii Holubiev
Da Pixabay:
"Irish jig" Music by Musictown from Pixabay
"Small crowd entering theatre talking chairs sheep and the whale-tpm" Sound Effect by Freesound community from Pixabay
"Church bells" Sound Effect by Howard Lee from Pixabay
"Summer atmosphere young people talk and have fun atmo" Sound Effect by Freesound community from Pixabay
"Harp glissando up c7" Sound Effect by floraphonic from Pixabay 

Per la sigla e i credits:
"My christmas story" from Pixabay
"Christmas Magic Music (Happy Merry Christmas Music)" di Oleksii Striapchyi from Pixabay 
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Autor Istantanee Possibili
Organización Gloria Gulino
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