4 - Maya, the Beginningless, Timeless Mystery | Swami Tattwamayananda

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Verses: 16, 17, 37, 38, 31 - Jiva, The embodied Self , freed from the veiling and projecting powers of Maya, discovers its true identity with the non-participating Witness (साक्षी)...
mostra más- Jiva, The embodied Self , freed from the veiling and projecting powers of Maya, discovers its true identity with the non-participating Witness (साक्षी) .
- Then we realize that all 'vikaras' (changes) belong to the world only.
- What is 'Prarabdha-Karma '? How does it operate in our everyday life?
- Shankaracharya's rejection of the Mimamsakas' obsession with Vedic ritualism.
- Three approaches to Reality in Advaita: Paramarthika, Vyavaharika and Pratibhasika
- अवछ्छेद वाद, आभासवाद, and प्रतिबिम्बवा: more details.
- Constant contemplation, unbroken flow of awareness
- The different schools of Advaita Vedanta: 'Bhamati', 'Vivarana' and 'Vartika'
- The illustration from the Chandogya Upanishad: Spiritual awakening and the role of an 'Acharya' or a 'Guru".
Autor | Vedanta Society, San Francisco |
Organización | Vedanta Society, San Francisco |
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