5 Alarming Facts About ALCOHOL Consumption You Never Knew!

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5 Alarming Facts About ALCOHOL Consumption You Never Knew!
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Does drinking alcohol really increase your cancer risk? Join host Stacey Chillemi in a deep dive with renowned guest Susan Landers, as they unravel the intricate relationship between stress, alcohol...
mostra másDelve into the crucial discussions on work-life balance and strategies to navigate a healthier lifestyle. Whether you're a casual social drinker or a heavy drinker, this episode will give you the information you need to make informed choices about your health. So, does drinking alcohol really increase your cancer risk? Let's find out.
Explore Dr. Landers' insightful journey as a physician, author, and neonatologist on her website: https://susanlandersmd.com/. Uncover valuable resources including a checklist for Burnout in Working Mothers and a free Solutions Guide for Burnout, among other enriching content.
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