5-Minute Daily Music Mastery: Transforming Your Instrument & Singing Skills [Episode 216]
![5-Minute Daily Music Mastery: Transforming Your Instrument & Singing Skills [Episode 216]](https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/t_square_limited_480/images.spreaker.com/original/260a8a84bab3d7d82b3a0cfb9d304fc5.jpg)
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5-Minute Daily Music Mastery: Transforming Your Instrument & Singing Skills [Episode 216]
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A first time guest to the podcast is Dan Spencer. He has over 10 years of music coaching experience and is the author of several books. He’s appeared as a...
mostra másPurchase a copy of The 14 Unshakable Laws of Learning Music: How to Master Any Instrument and Singing in 5 Minutes a Day
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Visit MusicMentorDanSpencer.com
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Autor | Eric Senich |
Organización | Eric Senich |
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