#743 “Whatever”: The Most Dangerous Word in Small Business

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#743 “Whatever”: The Most Dangerous Word in Small Business
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SEGMENT 1 with https://www.richardmoran.com/, starting at 0:00: Too many times in business, people respond with a single word: “whatever.” That should never be an appropriate response to a team...
mostra másSEGMENT 2 with Marc H. Morgenstern, starting at 16:30: How does a professional deal-maker handle uncertain business and economic times? Marc Morgenstern is here to help you make a deal in your small business.
SEGMENT 3 with Nick Adler, starting at 36:00: One of the fastest growing areas of the workforce are the self-employed – people that work for themselves and mainly by themselves. What special challenges do these people face and what resources are out there to help?
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Autor | Barry Moltz |
Organización | Barry Moltz |
Página web | barrymoltz.com |
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