#775 The Untold Story of Mr. First

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#775 The Untold Story of Mr. First
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SEGMENT 1 with Amy Padnani, starting at 0:00: Let’s kick off the new year with an interesting story about being first. What drives some people always want to be...
mostra másAmy Padnani, a journalist for the NY Times, works on a series that tells the stories of remarkable people whose deaths were not originally reported on by The New York Times. One featured article is about Brooklyn-born Omero C. Catan who was known by New Yorkers as Mr. First. The name is quite literal. In his career, he was the first person present at 537 historic opening days across the east coast.
SEGMENT 2 with Natalie Ruiz, starting at 14:15: How do you create a culture of learning, especially if your business has been around for a while or your employees have been working with you for a very long time?
Natalie Ruiz is the CEO at AnywhereWorks, the parent company of AnswerConnect, and others. She leads a team that provides people-powered services and technology to support small and mid-sized businesses. This year, Natalie was listed in the Top 100 People to KNOW in America as one of the top female leaders across North America.
Visit Barry's Blog for complete show notes.
Autor | Barry Moltz |
Organización | Barry Moltz |
Página web | barrymoltz.com |
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