A Brief History of Multi-Vehicle Collisions (1990 - 2014)

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A Brief History of Multi-Vehicle Collisions (1990 - 2014)
Esta transcripción es generada automáticamente. Ten en cuenta que no se garantiza una precisión absoluta.
This episode covers a phenomenon that occurs on roads around the world: multiple-vehicle collisions, otherwise known as "pileups"... Fascinating Horror covers the true stories behind some of history's greatest disasters....
mostra másFascinating Horror covers the true stories behind some of history's greatest disasters. This podcast is an audio version of the YouTube channel of the same name. The channel is made possible by supporters on Patreon and YouTube channel members. HUGE thanks to everyone who supports this channel!
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FascinatingHorror
► Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fascinatinghorror
► Get in touch: hello@fascinatinghorror.co.uk
Autor | Kristian Crow |
Organización | Fascinating Horror |
Página web | www.youtube.com |
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