A Family's Heartfelt Journey Through Plitvice's Autumn Beauty
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A Family's Heartfelt Journey Through Plitvice's Autumn Beauty
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Family's Heartfelt Journey Through Plitvice's Autumn Beauty Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/a-familys-heartfelt-journey-through-plitvices-autumn-beauty/ Story Transcript: Hr: Šuma Plitvičkih jezera obojena je...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Šuma Plitvičkih jezera obojena je zlatnim, crvenim i smeđim tonovima.
En: The forest of Plitvice Lakes is painted in golden, red, and brown hues.
Hr: Zrak je hladan, ali ugodan.
En: The air is cold but pleasant.
Hr: Ivanka, Zoran i Tihana putuju obiteljskim automobilom prema Nacionalnom parku Plitvička jezera.
En: Ivanka, Zoran, and Tihana are traveling in the family car towards Plitvice Lakes National Park.
Hr: Ivanka sjedi na prednjem sjedalu, sreće na licu.
En: Ivanka sits in the front seat, a smile on her face.
Hr: Zoran vozi i malo je mrzovoljan.
En: Zoran is driving, slightly grumpy.
Hr: "Zašto baš sad idemo na ovaj izlet?" mrmlja Zoran.
En: "Why are we going on this trip now?" Zoran grumbles.
Hr: Nije ga uvjerena ljepota prirode.
En: He is not convinced by the beauty of nature.
Hr: Misli da bi vikend kod kuće bio bolje iskorišten.
En: He believes the weekend would be better spent at home.
Hr: Ivanka se smiješi, odlučna održati dobru atmosferu.
En: Ivanka smiles, determined to maintain a good atmosphere.
Hr: "Bit će lijepo, Zorane. Ljepota prirode je neprocjenjiva," odgovara nježno.
En: "It'll be lovely, Zoran. The beauty of nature is invaluable," she replies gently.
Hr: Na stražnjem sjedalu, Tihana sjeti slušalice u ušima i skrola po mobitelu.
En: In the back seat, Tihana has earphones in her ears and is scrolling through her phone.
Hr: Adolescencija ju čini povučenom i malo distanciranom.
En: Adolescence makes her withdrawn and somewhat distant.
Hr: No, u dubini, želi osjetiti povezanost sa svojim roditeljima.
En: However, deep down, she wants to feel connected to her parents.
Hr: Osjeća stid priznati to naglas.
En: She's too shy to admit it out loud.
Hr: Naposljetku, dolaze do parka.
En: Eventually, they arrive at the park.
Hr: Ivanka vodi obitelj pješačkom stazom kroz šumu.
En: Ivanka leads the family on a walking trail through the forest.
Hr: Drveće je okružuje, a potočići pjevaju melodiju.
En: Trees surround them, and streams sing a melody.
Hr: Voda se prelijeva u mirna jezera.
En: The water flows into calm lakes.
Hr: Ivanka pokušava razgovarati.
En: Ivanka tries to make conversation.
Hr: "Pogledaj, Tihana, kako su stabla lijepa," kaže.
En: "Look, Tihana, how beautiful the trees are," she says.
Hr: Tihana uzdahne, skine jednu slušalicu.
En: Tihana sighs, removes one earphone.
Hr: "Da, lijepa su," prizna.
En: "Yes, they are beautiful," she admits.
Hr: Nakon nekoliko minuta, Zoran se, bez riječi, zaustavi kod klupe.
En: After a few minutes, Zoran wordlessly stops by a bench.
Hr: "Odmarajmo se malo," predloži.
En: "Let's rest for a bit," he suggests.
Hr: Tada stižu do vidikovca.
En: Then they reach a viewpoint.
Hr: Ispred njih je veličanstven pogled na slapove.
En: In front of them is a magnificent view of the waterfalls.
Hr: Ivanka zastane, srce joj uzbuđeno kuca.
En: Ivanka pauses, her heart beating excitedly.
Hr: Međutim, napetost se ponovno diže.
En: However, tension rises again.
Hr: Zoran želi nastaviti; Tihana bi sjela i poslala poruke prijateljima.
En: Zoran wants to move on; Tihana would prefer to sit and text her friends.
Hr: "Zašto stalno moramo žuriti? Ne možemo li jednostavno uživati?" pita Ivanka, dok emocije izbijaju na površinu.
En: "Why do we always have to rush? Can't we just enjoy this?" Ivanka asks, emotions surfacing.
Hr: Tišina preuzme.
En: Silence takes over.
Hr: Tihana skine obje slušalice.
En: Tihana removes both earphones.
Hr: "Možemo ostati ovdje neko vrijeme?" pita stidljivo.
En: "Can we stay here for a while?" she asks shyly.
Hr: Zoran je pogleda, iznenađen.
En: Zoran looks at her, surprised.
Hr: "Pa... možda možemo," kaže, neznatno smekšan.
En: "Well... maybe we can," he says, slightly softened.
Hr: Promatraju vodu kako pada, prozirnu i nevjerojatno lijepu.
En: They watch the water fall, clear and incredibly beautiful.
Hr: Ivanka uzme mobitel.
En: Ivanka takes out her phone.
Hr: "Možemo li napraviti obiteljsku sliku?" predlaže nježno.
En: "Can we take a family picture?" she gently suggests.
Hr: Zoran se približi, Tihana stane između njih.
En: Zoran moves closer, Tihana stands between them.
Hr: Slika uhvati trenutak sunca koje im grije lica i slapove u pozadini.
En: The picture captures a moment with the sun warming their faces and the waterfalls in the background.
Hr: To postane uspomena, dragocjena i iskrena.
En: This becomes a precious and genuine memory.
Hr: Kako popodne prolazi, obitelj polako hoda natrag prema autu.
En: As the afternoon passes, the family slowly walks back to the car.
Hr: Ivanka sada razumije.
En: Ivanka now understands.
Hr: Nije sve u planiranju.
En: It's not all about planning.
Hr: Neka trenuci dođu prirodno.
En: Let moments come naturally.
Hr: Zoran se smiješi, opušteniji no inače.
En: Zoran smiles, more relaxed than usual.
Hr: "Moram priznati... ovo nije bilo loše," kaže.
En: "I have to admit... this wasn't bad," he says.
Hr: Tihana se pridruži, stavi ruku oko majke.
En: Tihana joins in, placing her arm around her mother.
Hr: "Lijepo mi je s vama," priznaje tiho.
En: "I enjoyed being with you," she quietly admits.
Hr: Ivanka osjeti val zadovoljstva.
En: Ivanka feels a wave of satisfaction.
Hr: Shvaća da su, unatoč svemu, stvorili uspomenu za cijeli život.
En: She realizes that, despite everything, they've created a lifelong memory.
Vocabulary Words:
- painted: obojena
- hues: tonovima
- pleasant: ugodan
- grumpy: mrzovoljan
- grumbles: mrmlja
- invaluable: neprocjenjiva
- adolescence: adolescencija
- withdrawn: povučenom
- distant: distanciranom
- trail: stazom
- streams: potočići
- melody: melodiju
- calm: mirna
- viewpoint: vidikovca
- magnificent: veličanstven
- excitedly: uzbuđeno
- tension: napetost
- emotions: emocije
- silence: tišina
- shyly: stidljivo
- softened: smekšan
- captures: uhvati
- moment: trenutak
- warming: grije
- background: pozadini
- precious: dragocjena
- genuine: iskrena
- lifelong: za cijeli život
- plan: planiranju
- naturally: prirodno
Autor | FluentFiction.org |
Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
Página web | www.fluentfiction.org |
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