
A Look Back: Ghislaine Maxwell And Her Hope For A Mistrial

16 de abr. de 2024 · 20m 3s
A Look Back:  Ghislaine Maxwell And Her Hope For A Mistrial

A mistrial occurs when a trial is terminated before its natural conclusion due to some error or circumstance that prevents a fair and just decision from being reached. This can...

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A mistrial occurs when a trial is terminated before its natural conclusion due to some error or circumstance that prevents a fair and just decision from being reached. This can happen for various reasons, such as jury misconduct, procedural errors, or the discovery of new evidence that significantly impacts the case. When a mistrial is declared, the trial is essentially nullified, and the case may either be dismissed, retried with a new jury, or resolved through a plea bargain.

Ghislaine Maxwell and her legal team hoped that the situation with Juror 50 would lead to a mistrial. Unfortunately for her, it did not.

Let's take a look.

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Autor Bobby Capucci
Organización Bobby Capucci
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