
A Look Back: How Much Money Has The Epstein Victims Compensation Fund Disbursed?

18 de abr. de 2024 · 10m 44s
A Look Back:  How Much Money Has The Epstein Victims Compensation Fund Disbursed?

The Jeffrey Epstein Victims Compensation Fund has paid out over 120 million dollars to the survivors as of September of this year and only three cases remain against it. While...

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The Jeffrey Epstein Victims Compensation Fund has paid out over 120 million dollars to the survivors as of September of this year and only three cases remain against it. While that seems like a very large sum of money, when you look at it in context with the payout that the USVI received, things start to come into focus.

In this episode, we take a look at the money paid out by the compensation fund and also at lawsuits that the estate remains embroiled in.

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Over $150 Million Paid to Jeffrey Epstein Victims by His Estate | Inside Edition
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Autor Bobby Capucci
Organización Bobby Capucci
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