
A Look Back: Julie K. Brown Put's The USVI On Blast (Part 1)

15 de abr. de 2024 · 21m 57s
A Look Back:  Julie K. Brown Put's The USVI On Blast (Part 1)

Finally! Finally someone else is talking about the USVI and their obvious Epstein ties. For years we have been banging this drum on this podcast and finally the legacy media...

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Finally! Finally someone else is talking about the USVI and their obvious Epstein ties. For years we have been banging this drum on this podcast and finally the legacy media has picked up on it and hopefully now that Julie K. Brown's comprehensive piece has hit the wire, perhaps more people will finally start to understand the true scope of what went down.

In this episode we begin our dive into the article and the discussion about the United States Virgin Islands complicity in Epstein's crimes.

(commercial at 10:52)

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U.S. Virgin Islands profiting from Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes | Miami Herald
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Autor Bobby Capucci
Organización Bobby Capucci
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