A Look Back: The NAFTA Agreement And Its Effect On Narco Trafficking

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A Look Back: The NAFTA Agreement And Its Effect On Narco Trafficking
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NAFTA is a trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States that aimed to promote economic integration and free trade among the three countries. While the agreement mainly focused...
mostra más- Increased Border Security: One of the concerns following the implementation of NAFTA was that it might facilitate drug trafficking due to increased cross-border trade. To counter this, the agreement also led to enhanced cooperation between the three nations' law enforcement agencies, which included improved intelligence sharing and coordinated efforts to combat drug smuggling.
- Impact on Smuggling Routes: The opening of borders and increased trade activities could have potentially altered traditional drug smuggling routes. Criminal organizations often adapt to changes in law enforcement efforts and border security, which may result in shifts in their tactics and the routes they use to transport drugs.
- Economic Impact on Drug Production Countries: NAFTA's provisions might have had indirect economic effects on drug-producing countries. For instance, reduced tariffs on agricultural products from the United States and Canada may have affected local farmers in Mexico, potentially pushing some toward illicit activities like drug cultivation to make a living.
- Legal Trade as a Cover: The increased volume of legal trade between the NAFTA countries might have offered opportunities for criminals to use legitimate business transactions as a cover for drug trafficking. The sheer volume of cross-border trade could make it challenging for authorities to distinguish between legal and illegal activities.
In this episode, we dive take a look at the North American Free Trade Agreement and how it has impacted the narco game.
(commercial at 8:43)
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Organización | Bobby Capucci |
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