A Snowy Day in Tacoma

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A Snowy Day in Tacoma
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Host: Jessika Gössl 🌙 Writer: Hollis Barkhaus ✍️ Includes mentions of: Dogs, Snow, Park, Cold, Sledding, Tacoma ❄️ Welcome back my friend. Tonight, we travel to the snowy city of...
mostra másWriter: Hollis Barkhaus ✍️
Includes mentions of: Dogs, Snow, Park, Cold, Sledding, Tacoma ❄️
Welcome back my friend. Tonight, we travel to the snowy city of Tacoma, where two dogs spend a winter day outdoors with their parents, playing in the snow at one of their favorite parks.
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Now all that’s left for you to do is pick a story, settle in and drift to sleep 😴Sweet dreams and goodnight🌙
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