Aaron Swartz

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TRUE CRIME - On this episode we talk about one of the most important contemporary internet figures and how his ingenuity, innovation and imagination changed the face of the internet...
mostra másOn this episode we talk about one of the most important contemporary internet figures and how his ingenuity, innovation and imagination changed the face of the internet culture we know today and has set forth a standard by which the governments of the world should maintain the great global resource of the World Wide Web, this one is all about the life and death of Aaron Swartz.
Aaron was a child prodigy and from his early life to his tragic and untimely death he sought to make his dreams for the world come true. A suspiciously timed suicide and a slew of government level infractions fraught Aarons life with stress and legal turmoil, but through it all he managed to leave an indelible mark on the culture and on the world.
Im joined in this episode by Dystropia podcast presenter and internet warlock Johnny Lynch. You can find his podcast Dystropia here on Facebook: facebook.com/DysTropiaPodcast/ OR here on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0UZN70CmrYy0fsc5YqoDoE?si=hOn8oQ61SVKnCVSE7J-TeQ OR you can follow him on Instagram over here http://www.instagram.com/pyramidheader for the craic :)
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