Act Your Age!

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Act Your Age!
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Welcome Back to Season 2 of the Call Me Papi Podcast! 🎉 Today's Spanish word of the day is La Edad. Get ready for more this season as it's gonna...
mostra másToday's Spanish word of the day is La Edad.
Get ready for more this season as it's gonna be bigger, better and badder!
Things got a little heated in the studio with this episode. We did a little recap of personal and world events while Noosh was away in London, and then we talked about ages, which somehow lead to gender differences? The boys were making some pretty interesting statements when it came to their ideas of men, who they think run the world apparently? Just take a listen to see what I'm talking about.
Don't forget to vote on your name, and let us know if you too have a cutoff age, or hate the quote "act your age" through our socials down below.
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Please drink responsibly.
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