Alleged Meth User Goes Full Florida Woman in High-Speed Chase

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Alleged Meth User Goes Full Florida Woman in High-Speed Chase
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Alleged Meth User Goes Full Florida Woman in High-Speed Chase Bodycam, dashcam, and helicopter footage show the wild moments surrounding the pursuit of a wanted Florida woman on May 29....
mostra másBodycam, dashcam, and helicopter footage show the wild moments surrounding the pursuit of a wanted Florida woman on May 29. Alexandria Mason was pulled over around 7:30 p.m. in a McDonald’s parking lot in St. Augustine. Deputies discovered Mason had an active felony warrant from another county during the stop. Mason, who refused to comply, took off immediately after realizing deputies were going to arrest her. Mason allegedly fled and led deputies on a nearly 30-mile chase with speeds exceeding 120mph. After Mason crossed into nearby Duval County the Florida Highway Patrol joined in the chase ultimately ending with a successful PIT maneuver. Mason was handed a laundry list of charges from the incident. She later pleaded guilty to DUI, aggravated fleeing and eluding, and possession of a controlled substance. She was sentenced to 10 months in jail and 12 months of probation. Mason still faces remaining charges in two other Florida counties.
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