
Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins

3 de jul. de 2024 · 16m 38s
Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 47s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar fer pistyll, roedd...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar fer pistyll, roedd Carys yn archwilio hen adfeilion Cymru.
En: Near a waterfall, Carys explored the ancient ruins of Wales.

Cy: Yr haul yn cynhesu ei hwyneb, a’r gwynt ysgafn yn siglo’r blodau gwyllt.
En: The sun warmed her face, and the gentle breeze swayed the wildflowers.

Cy: Roedd hi’n chwilio am atebion, am arwydd i’w dyfodol.
En: She was searching for answers, a sign for her future.

Cy: Mae'r adfeilion hyn, wrth eu bodoli mor hen, wedi adfeddu rhinwedd o wybodaeth a straeon hen amser.
En: These ruins, by their very old age, had reclaimed a virtue of knowledge and ancient stories.

Cy: Cerddodd hi trwy'r glaswellt a’r cysgodion carreg.
En: She walked through the grass and stone shadows.

Cy: Roedd Carys yn fyfyrio.
En: Carys was reflecting.

Cy: Ai’r llwybr roedd hi arno yn y bywyd yn gywir i hi?
En: Was the path she was on in life the right one for her?

Cy: Ai arthog teimlo felly?
En: Was it wrong to feel this way?

Cy: Roedd hi'n ansicr.
En: She was uncertain.

Cy: Roedd y cerrig a'r wal yn siarad, fel pe bai ganddyn nhw gyfrinachau i rannu.
En: The stones and the walls seemed to speak, as if they had secrets to share.

Cy: Mae'r lle hwn yn aros gyda hanesion.
En: This place held stories.

Cy: Pob carreg, pob hollt yn dwyn i gof hanesion hen.
En: Every stone, every crack, bore memories of the old times.

Cy: Carys yn edrych dros y dyffryn tawel.
En: Carys looked over the quiet valley.

Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod bod yr ateb yma rywle.
En: She knew the answer was here somewhere.

Cy: Wrth iddi gerdded ymhellach i’r adfeilion, trodd y ffordd yn anoddach.
En: As she walked further into the ruins, the path became more difficult.

Cy: Roedd y tir yn anwastad, y drenau a’r mieri yn rhwystr iddi.
En: The terrain was uneven, and the brambles and thorns were obstacles.

Cy: Roedd gorgyffwrdd rhwng y bywyd modern ac yr hen adfeilion.
En: There was an overlap between modern life and the old ruins.

Cy: Ei feddyliau oedd her fwyaf iddi, yn troi ac yn tynnu.
En: Her thoughts were her biggest challenge, swirling and pulling.

Cy: A ddylai hi gadw i ddod o hyd i’r ateb, neu a ddylai hi droi nôl?
En: Should she keep looking for the answer, or should she turn back?

Cy: Roedd ei chorffynnau’n dechrau teimlo’r blinder.
En: Her limbs began to feel the fatigue.

Cy: Rhoes hi eistedd ar garreg fawr, wrth fwyngloddio ei meddyliau.
En: She sat on a large stone, mining her thoughts.

Cy: Feddyliai Carys a oedd hi'n gwneud gwaith cywir yno.
En: Carys wondered if she was doing the right thing there.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ansicr.
En: She was uncertain.

Cy: Yn y funud hon, daeth hi o hyd i rywbeth anarferol.
En: In that moment, she found something unusual.

Cy: Yng nghanol yr adfeilion, canfyddodd hen enaid carreg gyda hen ysgrifen arno.
En: Amidst the ruins, she discovered an old stone soul with ancient writing on it.

Cy: Agosodd at y carreg.
En: She approached the stone.

Cy: Yr arysgriff, er ei fod yn ddiffygiol ac yn amser-wedi darfod, yn crybwyllai “Calon gadarn, llwybr clir.”
En: The inscription, though flawed and time-worn, mentioned “Steadfast heart, clear path.”

Cy: Wrth ddarllen y geiriau hyn, teimlodd Carys yn gwahanol.
En: Reading these words, Carys felt different.

Cy: Roedd y geiriau'n berffaith i'w sefyllfa.
En: The words were perfect for her situation.

Cy: Canfuodd hi eglurder yn y neges hon.
En: She found clarity in this message.

Cy: Roedd hi’n teimlo cryfder o fewn, dewrder newydd i wynebu’r dyfodol.
En: She felt an inner strength, a new courage to face the future.

Cy: Cododd hi o’r garreg aeddfed.
En: She rose from the stone, feeling more mature.

Cy: Roedd ei blinder wedi magu cysur, roedd ei hysbryd yn ysgafnach.
En: Her fatigue had turned into comfort, her spirit lighter.

Cy: Roedd hi’n gwybod nad oedd hi angen edrych yn bellach.
En: She knew she didn’t need to look further.

Cy: Roedd hi’n barod i gamu ymlaen.
En: She was ready to move forward.

Cy: It ddaeth hi oddi ar y llwybr â mwy o bwrpas a chred gyda hi.
En: She left the path with more purpose and belief in herself.

Cy: Roedd y proflith wedi ei llwyddo.
En: The ordeal had succeeded.

Cy: Gyda phob cam i lawr, teimlodd hi’n gryfach.
En: With every step down, she felt stronger.

Cy: Roedd hi’n gwybod mai'r dyddiadur hwnnw yn ychwanegu cyffredin i'w chalon.
En: She knew that diary had added significance to her heart.

Cy: Roedd Carys wedi dod o hyd iddi: yr ateb mewn tafod o amser.
En: Carys had found it: the answer in an ancient tongue.

Cy: Roedd hi’n barod i wynebu’r bywyd a'i dyfodol gyda phenderfyniad newydd.
En: She was ready to face life and her future with newfound determination.

Cy: Roedd hi’n mwyfeddu ei bwriad a’i sawl iws.
En: She embraced her purpose and sense of direction.

Cy: Ei bywyd yn newid am y gorau, dewrder i wynebu beth bynnag a ddaw.
En: Her life changed for the better, with courage to face whatever comes.

Vocabulary Words:
  • waterfall: pistyll
  • explored: archwilio
  • ruins: adfeilion
  • warm: cynhesu
  • gentle: ysgafn
  • breeze: gwynt
  • wildflowers: blodau gwyllt
  • answers: atebion
  • sign: arwydd
  • future: dyfodol
  • virtue: rhinwedd
  • knowledge: gwybodaeth
  • shadows: cysgodion
  • reflecting: fyfyrio
  • right: gywir
  • uncertain: ansicr
  • secrets: cyfrinachau
  • memories: hollt i gof
  • uneven: anwastad
  • brambles: drenau
  • thorns: mieri
  • obstacles: rhwystr
  • fatigue: blinder
  • mining: mwyno
  • unusual: anarferol
  • inscription: arysgriff
  • flawed: diffygiol
  • clearness: eglurder
  • mature: aeddfed
  • courage: dewrder
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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