Are You a Relationship Olympiad? Linda and Charlie Bloom

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What does that mean? Relationship Olympiad. Join host Kristin Sunanta Walker and her guests, Linda and Charlie Bloom. Partnership is a fascinating journey especially marriage. Let's pull back the hype...
mostra másLinda Bloom, LCSW and Charlie Bloom, MSW have been married since 1972. Trained as psychotherapists and relationship counselors, they have worked with individuals, couples, groups, and organizations since 1975.
They have lectured and taught at learning institutes throughout the USA, including the Esalen Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, 1440Multiversity, the California Institute for Integral Studies, the Meridian University, John F. Kennedy University, the Crossings, Omega institute, the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Sonoma State University, University of California at Berkeley Extension Program, the Hoffman Institute, and the World Health Organization.
They have offered seminars throughout the world, including China, Japan, Indonesia, Denmark, Sweden, India, Brazil, and many other locations.
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