Asbury Revival | Zach Meerkreebs | Fresh Leadership Season 2 Episode #008

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Descripción Zach Meerkreebs is grateful...grateful for Jesus, the opportunity to partner with Him in mission, The gift to be married to KP, and be dad to three girls;...
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Zach Meerkreebs is grateful...grateful for Jesus, the opportunity to partner with Him in mission, The gift to be married to KP, and be dad to three girls; Eden, Esther, and Mercy. Zach has ministered both in the Church and among global missions but in February 2023 his life changed! Zach had the gift of speaking at Asbury University chapel in February 2023 and ever since, following a sweet 16 days in Hughes auditorium, he has been traveling to campuses, churches, and countries to talk about being prepared for an Outpouring leading to renewal. Along with traveling and encouraging leaders and communities, his first book is being published January 2025 - Lower, Igniting Spiritual Awakening through Radical Humility. ________________________________________________
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Autor | Fresh Leadership |
Organización | Fresh Leadership |
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