
Baboon Chase: A Table Mountain Adventure

8 de abr. de 2024 · 14m 18s
Baboon Chase: A Table Mountain Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 6s


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Baboon Chase: A Table Mountain Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Op 'n sonskyn oggend in die pragtige...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Baboon Chase: A Table Mountain Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Af: Op 'n sonskyn oggend in die pragtige stad, Kaapstad, was daar 'n man genaamd Johan.
En: On a sunny morning in the beautiful city of Cape Town, there was a man named Johan.

Af: Johan was 'n avontuurlustige siel wat besluit het om die bekende Tafelberg te gaan verken.
En: Johan was an adventurous soul who decided to explore the famous Table Mountain.

Af: Hy was gewapen met 'n rugpak, 'n hoed om hom teen die son te beskerm, en 'n kaart wat hy by die plaaslike toerismekantoor opgetel het.
En: He was armed with a backpack, a hat to shield himself from the sun, and a map he had picked up at the local tourism office.

Af: Soos hy begin het om die berg te beklim, was die uitsig asemrowend.
En: As he began to climb the mountain, the view was breathtaking.

Af: Die lug was helder en die see blouer as wat Johan dit ooit gesien het.
En: The sky was clear and the sea bluer than Johan had ever seen it.

Af: Hy het nog altyd van vele dinge gedroom, maar vandag was sy droom om die top van Tafelberg te bereik.
En: He had always dreamed of many things, but today his dream was to reach the top of Table Mountain.

Af: Sy togt het goed begin.
En: His journey started well.

Af: Voëls het bo hom gesing en 'n sagte briesie het deur sy hare gewapper.
En: Birds sang above him and a gentle breeze ruffled his hair.

Af: Maar na 'n paar uur se stap, het iets ongewoons gebeur.
En: But after a few hours of walking, something unusual happened.

Af: 'n Groep stoutgat bobbejane het uit die struike verskyn en sonder waarskuwing het hulle Johan begin jaag!
En: A group of mischievous baboons emerged from the bushes and without warning, they started chasing Johan!

Af: Johan het geskrik, sy hart het vinnig begin klop en hy het sonder dink begin hardloop.
En: Johan was scared, his heart began beating fast, and he started running without thinking.

Af: Hy het oor rotse gespring en oor stroompies gespring om weg te kom van die skelmbobbejane wat agter hom aangehardloop het.
En: He jumped over rocks and streams to get away from the baboons that were chasing him.

Af: Vir 'n oomblik het hy gedink hy sou nie ontsnap nie.
En: For a moment, he thought he wouldn't escape.

Af: Terwyl hy asemloos hardloop en die pad voor hom kyk, sien Johan skielik 'n klein grot.
En: As he ran breathlessly and looked ahead, Johan suddenly saw a small cave.

Af: Met die bobbejane nog op sy hakke, draai hy vinnig om die hoek en skuil in die grot.
En: With the baboons still on his heels, he quickly turned the corner and hid in the cave.

Af: Hy hoor die bobbejane se harde blafgeluide nader kom en dan skielik stil word.
En: He heard the baboons' loud barking getting closer and then suddenly becoming quiet.

Af: Johan asem diep in en uit, dankbaar vir die oomblik van vrede.
En: Johan took deep breaths, grateful for the moment of peace.

Af: Maar dit was nie verby nie.
En: But it wasn't over.

Af: Johan het geweet hy moes 'n plan maak.
En: Johan knew he had to make a plan.

Af: Hy onthou toe iets wat hy gelees het oor hierdie slim diere.
En: He remembered something he had read about these clever animals.

Af: Johan het stadig sy rugpak oopgemaak en 'n appel uithaal wat hy as 'n versnapering gepak het.
En: Johan slowly opened his backpack and took out an apple that he had packed as a snack.

Af: Hy rol die appel na die ingang van die grot toe, waar die bobbejane dit kon sien.
En: He rolled the apple toward the entrance of the cave where the baboons could see it.

Af: Die kleinste bobbejaan, nuuskierig en honger, kom nader en gryp die appel.
En: The smallest baboon, curious and hungry, approached and grabbed the apple.

Af: Johan hou sy asem op, maar tot sy verbasing, lei die klein bobbejaan die res van die trop weg van die grot en na die appel toe.
En: Johan held his breath, but to his surprise, the little baboon led the rest of the troop away from the cave and toward the apple.

Af: Met 'n sug van verligting gryp Johan sy kans en hardloop uit die grot, weg van die plek waar die bobbejane besig was om hulle lekkerny te geniet.
En: With a sigh of relief, Johan seized his chance and ran out of the cave, away from the place where the baboons were busy enjoying their treat.

Af: Hy het nie een keer teruggedraai nie tot hy uiteindelik veilig by die berg se basis aangekom het.
En: He didn't look back until he finally arrived safely at the base of the mountain.

Af: Hy het, hygend en laggend, teruggekyk na die berg met 'n nuwe respek vir die natuur en sy onvoorspelbare inwoners.
En: He looked back at the mountain, panting and laughing, with a newfound respect for nature and its unpredictable inhabitants.

Af: Johan het besef dat, alhoewel hy nie die top van Tafelberg bereik het nie, hy 'n avontuur gehad het wat hy vir altyd sou onthou.
En: Johan realized that, although he hadn't reached the top of Table Mountain, he had an adventure he would always remember.

Af: En wie weet, miskien sou hy eendag terugkeer om sy klim te voltooi, maar die volgende keer, sou hy beter voorbereid wees vir die bobbejaan-trop wat op Tafelberg woon.
En: And who knows, maybe one day he would return to complete his climb, but next time, he would be better prepared for the troop of baboons living on Table Mountain.

Vocabulary Words:
  • breathtaking: asemrowend
  • mischievous: skelmbobbejane
  • chasing: jaag
  • running: hardloop
  • escaping: ontsnap
  • breathlessly: asemloos
  • cave: grot
  • troop: trop
  • grateful: dankbaar
  • snack: versnapering
  • approached: genader
  • surprise: verbasing
  • respected: respek
  • unpredictable: onvoorspelbare
  • preparing: voorbereid
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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