Balancing Ambition: Ivana's Journey in the Corporate Race
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Balancing Ambition: Ivana's Journey in the Corporate Race
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Balancing Ambition: Ivana's Journey in the Corporate Race Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Ljetno sunce je obasjavalo Zagreb,...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Ljetno sunce je obasjavalo Zagreb, a gradski centar bio je užurban kao i uvijek.
En: The summer sun shone over Zagreb, and the city center was bustling as always.
Hr: U velikom korporativnom uredu, Ivana je sjedila za svojim stolom, fokusirajući se na ekran računala.
En: In a large corporate office, Ivana sat at her desk, concentrating on her computer screen.
Hr: Bila je projektni menadžer, poznata po svojoj predanosti i pažnji prema detaljima.
En: She was a project manager known for her dedication and attention to detail.
Hr: Ovo je bio važan tjedan za nju.
En: This was an important week for her.
Hr: Bližili su se godišnji pregledi učinkovitosti, a ona je čeznula za promaknućem u višu menadžersku poziciju.
En: Annual performance reviews were approaching, and she longed for a promotion to a senior managerial position.
Hr: Filip, njezin kolega, bio je nekoliko stolova dalje.
En: Filip, her colleague, sat a few desks away.
Hr: Bio je poznat po svojoj karizmi i lakoći kojom je podnosio stresne situacije.
En: He was known for his charisma and ease in handling stressful situations.
Hr: Ivana je znala da i on želi isto promaknuće.
En: Ivana knew he also wanted the same promotion.
Hr: Filip je imao način impresionirati ljude svojim šarmom, a Ivana se brinula da bi njezin trud mogao ostati nezapažen.
En: Filip had a way of impressing people with his charm, and Ivana was concerned that her hard work might go unnoticed.
Hr: Ivana je odlučila poduzeti dodatne korake.
En: Ivana decided to take extra steps.
Hr: Pripremila je detaljno izvješće o svojim postignućima. Željela je pokazati sve projekte koje je uspješno vodila.
En: She prepared a detailed report on her achievements, wanting to showcase all the projects she had successfully led.
Hr: Također je razgovarala s ključnim ljudima u tvrtki tražeći njihovu potporu.
En: She also spoke with key people in the company, seeking their support.
Hr: Znala je da joj njihove preporuke mogu pomoći.
En: She knew their recommendations could help her.
Hr: Dan pregleda konačno je stigao.
En: The day of the review finally arrived.
Hr: U konferencijskoj sobi, s prozorima koji su pružali pogled na užurbani grad, Ivana se suočila s komisijom.
En: In a conference room with windows offering views of the bustling city, Ivana faced the committee.
Hr: Filipova prezentacija bila je neposredno prije njezine i ostavila je snažan dojam.
En: Filip's presentation was right before hers and made a strong impression.
Hr: Dok su članovi komisije pitali Ivanu o njenim snagama i doprinosu timu, Ivana je disala duboko.
En: As the committee members asked Ivana about her strengths and contributions to the team, she took deep breaths.
Hr: Znala je da nema mjesta sumnji.
En: She knew there was no room for doubt.
Hr: Stajala je pred njima, smirena i samouvjerena.
En: She stood before them, calm and confident.
Hr: Govorila je o svojim osobnim dostignućima, ali nije zaboravila spomenuti ulogu svog tima.
En: She spoke about her personal achievements but did not forget to mention her team's role.
Hr: Svaki uspjeh bio je plod zajedničkog truda.
En: Every success was the result of collective effort.
Hr: Ivana je naglasila vrijednost suradnje i timskog duha.
En: Ivana emphasized the value of collaboration and team spirit.
Hr: Nakon prezentacije, Ivana je napustila sobu s osjećajem ponosa.
En: After the presentation, Ivana left the room with a sense of pride.
Hr: Nije znala ishod, ali naučila je važnu lekciju.
En: She didn't know the outcome, but she had learned an important lesson.
Hr: Nije bilo dovoljno samo isticati se individualno; bilo je važno prepoznati i doprinos drugih.
En: It wasn't enough to stand out individually; it was essential to acknowledge others' contributions as well.
Hr: Pružila je ruku Filipu, priznajući i njegove zasluge.
En: She extended her hand to Filip, acknowledging his achievements too.
Hr: Sutradan, dok je sunce ponovno obasjavalo Zagreb, Ivana je primila poruku od svog nadređenog.
En: The next day, as the sun shone over Zagreb once more, Ivana received a message from her superior.
Hr: Još nije imala odgovor, ali čekanje je bilo lakše.
En: She still didn't have an answer, but the wait was easier.
Hr: Znala je da je dala sve od sebe i naučila balansirati osobne i timske vrijednosti.
En: She knew she had given her best and had learned to balance personal and team values.
Hr: Time je već bila ispunjena.
En: In that sense, she was already fulfilled.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: užurban
- corporate: korporativan
- dedication: predanost
- promotion: promaknuće
- charisma: karizma
- charm: šarm
- unnoticed: nezapažen
- showcase: pokazati
- support: potpora
- recommendations: preporuke
- committee: komisija
- strengths: snaga
- contributions: doprinos
- acknowledge: priznati
- collaboration: suradnja
- fulfilled: ispunjen
- concentrating: fokusirajući
- review: pregled
- stressful: stresan
- impressing: impresionirati
- achievements: postignuća
- projects: projekti
- approaching: bližiti se
- deep breaths: duboko disanje
- outcome: ishod
- committee members: članovi komisije
- views: pogled
- annual: godišnji
- conference room: konferencijska soba
- attention to detail: pažnja prema detaljima
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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