Bartender (27) Arrested for Assault After Catfight With her Roommate

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Bartender (27) Arrested for Assault After Catfight With her Roommate
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Bartender (27) Arrested for Assault After Catfight With her Roommate Around 7:23 PM on February 13, 2024, Officer Ryan Szaniszlo with the Ventnor City Police Department responded to a call...
mostra másAround 7:23 PM on February 13, 2024, Officer Ryan Szaniszlo with the Ventnor City Police Department responded to a call of a domestic dispute at a residential address. The caller had told dispatch that the other woman she lived with entered her locked bedroom and initiated a physical altercation. As Officer Szaniszlo arrived at the residence, he observed a 27-year-old woman having a physical altercation with her 56-year-old roommate, while a 44-year-old male was attempting to deescalate the situation. The women were identified as 27-year-old Kelsey and 56-year-old Susan.
They told the officer that all 3 residents inside the house were roommates. He observed physical injuries on both Kelsey and Susan. As Officer Szaniszlo was conducting his investigation, other officers arrived on scene to assist. First responders with the Ventnor City Fire Department arrived to evaluate both women, and they both declined further medical attention. As the officers continued interviewing all 3 residents during the course of their investigation, they determined that Kelsey was the primary aggressor. However, both women had to be arrested because they lived together and this would be considered a domestic violence situation.
Officer Michael Whalen placed Kelsey under arrested and transported her to the Ventnor City Police Department for further processing. He initially placed Kelsey in a cell as they processed Susan. Kelsey was then finger printed and photographed. Neither woman wished to pursue a temporary restraining order against the other. After they finished processing both arrestees, they were both charged with simple assault and released pending their court appearances.
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