“Before We Were Trans” with Kit Heyam

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Kit Heyam’s amazing history of gender nonconformity across the globe is a dazzling journey into the intricacies of trans history and if it’s not your favourite book already, it will...
mostra másGrab your earphones, start listening, and follow @kitheyamwriter and @queerlitpodcast on Instagram to learn more.
Kit Heyam’s Before We Were Trans (2022)
Kit Heyam’s The Reputation of Edward II, 1305-1697 (2020)
Edo Japan
Thomas/Thomasine Hall
Roberta Cowell
Meg-John Barker
Princess Seraphina
Blake Gutt
Iphis and Ianthe
Harlan Weaver’s Bad Dog: Pit Bull Politics and Multispecies Justice (2011)
Mo Moulton
Jessica Hinchy
Jules Gill-Peterson
Sara Taylor’s The Lauras
Ada Palmer’s Terra Ignota
The Iliad
Questions you should be able to respond to after listening:
- What is Kit’s view of trans history? How do they feel about labels?
- We speak about how gender expression and sexuality may intersect (although of course they are separate for some people). What does Kit see as a challenge here? Is your gender connected to your sexuality?
- One of Kit’s favourite chapters is about biological sex. How would you define biological sex? How has it been defined historically in the examples Kit provides?
- What does trans family mean to you?
- Kit briefly speaks about the agency of children. Why is that an important topic in queer and trans studies and lives?
Autor | Lena Mattheis |
Organización | Lena Mattheis |
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