"Behind the Curtain: The J.J. Dillon Shoot Interview - Part 1"

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"Behind the Curtain: The J.J. Dillon Shoot Interview - Part 1"
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Welcome to "Behind the Curtain: The J.J. Dillon Shoot Interview - Part 1," where we embark on an in-depth exploration of the illustrious career of James J. Dillon, one of...
mostra másJ.J. Dillon began his career in the 1960s, wrestling in various territories and honing his craft. However, it was his move to the role of manager that truly showcased his talents. As the strategic mind behind the legendary Four Horsemen, Dillon's influence was felt both inside and outside the ring. Through exclusive shoot interviews, Dillon recounts his early wrestling days, his managerial strategies, and the formation of the Four Horsemen, detailing the dynamics between Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and other key members. This episode offers a fascinating look at the rise of one of wrestling's most iconic factions and the mastermind behind it.
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