Boehringer Ingelheim on Collaborations in Clinical Development for Launch Readiness

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Summary: In this podcast from the 2024 DPHARM: Disruptive Innovations to Advance Clinical Research, Boehringer Ingelheim's Candice Fitzgerald, MMedSc, shares how the organization built collaborative partnerships across functions to drive...
mostra másIn this podcast from the 2024 DPHARM: Disruptive Innovations to Advance Clinical Research, Boehringer Ingelheim's Candice Fitzgerald, MMedSc, shares how the organization built collaborative partnerships across functions to drive faster and more informed clinical development and launch readiness.
Specifically, she covers:
- Deploying a more holistic, strategic approach to deliver on clinical development
- The value of forging cross-functional partnerships
- The role of strategic messaging and how to ensure consistency through continual change
- Collecting strategic insights and the importance of taking action on those insights
Autor | Conference Forum |
Organización | Conference Forum |
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