Bowkes Talking Bouts (w/ Dylan Bowker): Episode 29 - Johnny Eblen

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Johnny Eblen takes on Daniel Madrid at Bellator 258. This bout goes down on Friday, May 7th, and will broadcast on Showtime. Eblen came on BTB to cover several subjects...
mostra másEblen came on BTB to cover several subjects ahead of this middleweight clash including:
-Getting in work at ATT with Jorge Masvidal, Dalton Rosta, and Roman Faraldo
-The focus he has had on functional strength and having a pronounced focus on his mindset
-Changing his nickname on a fight to fight basis and his current moniker Diamond Hands
-His love for cryptocurrency and if he chops it up with fellow Mizzou alum Ben Askren about that
-The long recovery process from injury plus galvanizing his body and mindset overall
-Yaroslav Amosov consistently playing fire music inside the gym and Johnny's music preferences
-Eblen's assessment of Daniel Madrid's stylistic proclivities and the tape studying methodology
Autor | MMA Power Hour |
Organización | MMA Power Hour |
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