
Brewer Vetos & Pelletier in Foster Care

27 de feb. de 2014 · 2h 5m 3s
Brewer Vetos & Pelletier in Foster Care

Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer vetos the bill allowing those with religious objections to refuse service to gay people, saying the proposed law “creates more problems than it purports to...

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Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer vetos the bill allowing those with religious objections to refuse service to gay people, saying the proposed law “creates more problems than it purports to solve.” The Suffolk County Judge Joseph Johnson presiding over the case of Justina Pelletier in Boston ruled Monday to put the 15-year-old in foster care. “It’s a foster care facility,” Lou Pelletier told TheBlaze, specifying that his daughter will be transfered to Shared Living Collaborative in Merrimac, Mass. New IRS regulations that they believe will silence free speech. The deadline to comment on these proposed regulations is 11:59 p.m. ET Thur., Feb. 27. Florida Democratic congressional candidate, Alex Sink said immigration reform was important at a debate because, without it, it would be difficult for employers to find people to clean hotel rooms and do landscaping. Harvard senior Sandra Korn says that there should be no more free speech because it threatens liberalism. A soldier hid in her car to avoid saluting the flag, and then flaunted it on Instagram. Pfc. Tariqka Sheffey, whose Instagram handle is “sheffeynation,” posted a selfie with a caption that reads: “This is me laying back in my car hiding so I don’t have to salute the 1700 flag, KEEP ALL YOUR ‘THATS SO DISRESPECTFUL/HOWRUDE/ETC.’ COMMENTS TO YOURSELF cuz, right now, IDGAFFFF.” #SaveJustina
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Autor Tim Tapp
Organización Tim Tapp
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