Building Your Coaching Empire with a CEO Mindset: Insights from Don Markland's Playbook

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Building Your Coaching Empire with a CEO Mindset: Insights from Don Markland's Playbook
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Building Your Coaching Empire with a CEO Mindset: Insights from Don Markland's Playbook In this episode, we explore strategies from Don Markland's book on developing a successful coaching business. Key...
mostra másTune in for actionable insights and real-life examples to transform your coaching practice into a thriving business.
- 00:00 Introduction to Coaching Strategy
- 00:25 The CEO Mindset Shift
- 02:27 Finding Your Niche
- 04:26 Crafting Irresistible Offers
- 05:49 Attracting Ideal Clients
- 07:24 Mastering the Art of the Close
- 09:38 The Gulf Stream Effect: Sustainable Success
- 10:16 Conclusion and Final Takeaways
- By getting his book, the 4Cs of Accountability, here
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