
Cambridge, MA author/professor Emiliana Vegas is my special guest with “Let’s Change the World" !

14 de ene. de 2025 · 44m 13s
Cambridge, MA author/professor Emiliana Vegas is my special guest  with “Let’s Change the World" !

Cambridge, MA author with 20+ years’ experience working in international development Emiliana Vegas talks about her latest release “Let’s Change the World: How to Work Within International Development Organizations to...

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Cambridge, MA author with 20+ years’ experience working in international development Emiliana Vegas talks about her latest release “Let’s Change the World: How to Work Within International Development Organizations to Make a Difference” providing a practical & encouraging guide for everyone (regardless of age) who wants to make a positive change through their professional life in schools, communities and their environment! Emiliana is currently a professor of practice at Harvard Graduate School of Education, served as leading economist at World Bank, Division Chief of Education at Inter-American Bank, co-director of Center for Universal Education at Inter-American Bank, and co-director of Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institute, plus her book highlights her personal & professional journey and providers inside tips, best practices, targeted advice for success including how you get in, how you thrive and how to make a real difference! Check out the amazing Emiliana Vegas and her new release on all major platforms and today! #emilianavegas #cambridge #internationaldevelopment #author #letschangetheworld #harvardgraduateschool #worldbank #centerofuniversaleducation #brookingsinstitute #professionalcareer #communityleadership #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneremilianavegas #themikewagnershowemilianavegas    
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Autor Mike Wagner
Organización Mike Wagner
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