Catholic Children's Books Webinar (February 25, 2023)

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Authors and Illustrators of Catholic Children’s Books provide an important imaginative link between our material and spiritual worlds. In this webinar, Dianne Ahern, Ben Bongers with illustrator Courtney Boatwright, TJ...
mostra másIn this webinar, Dianne Ahern, Ben Bongers with illustrator Courtney Boatwright, TJ Burdick, Allison Lunsford, and Danielle Mesa share their books and illustrations in a webinar moderated by Sebastian Mahfood with the assistance of WCAT Radio show hosts Kiki Latimer and Cynthia Toolin-Wilson.
Illustrated Catholic Children’s Books Webinar | WCAT Radio
Autor | WCAT Radio |
Organización | WCAT Radio |
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