
Chilling Adventure: Conquering Fears in an Abandoned Factory

21 de ene. de 2025 · 15m 38s
Chilling Adventure: Conquering Fears in an Abandoned Factory

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 56s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chilling Adventure: Conquering Fears in an Abandoned Factory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V zime, keď sneh pokrýval...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chilling Adventure: Conquering Fears in an Abandoned Factory
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V zime, keď sneh pokrýval krajinu a studený vietor prenikal do kostí, Miloslav a Jana sa rozhodli preskúmať opustenú fabriku na okraji mesta.
En: In winter, when the snow covered the land and the cold wind penetrated to the bone, Miloslav and Jana decided to explore the abandoned factory on the outskirts of the town.

Sk: Miloslav bol nadšený, chcel získať jedinečné fotografie pre svoju fotografickú súťaž.
En: Miloslav was excited; he wanted to capture unique photographs for his photography competition.

Sk: Jana, jeho verná priateľka, ho nasledovala.
En: Jana, his loyal friend, followed him.

Sk: Aj keď mala strach z uzavretých priestorov, chcela prekonať svoj strach a podporiť Miloslava.
En: Even though she was afraid of enclosed spaces, she wanted to overcome her fear and support Miloslav.

Sk: Fabrika stála ako zabudnutý obor, jej okná boli rozbité a staré stroje zarastené hrdzou.
En: The factory stood like a forgotten giant, its windows shattered and old machines overgrown with rust.

Sk: Vzdychala zima a podlaha bola pokrytá jemnou vrstvou mrazu.
En: Winter sighed, and the floor was covered in a thin layer of frost.

Sk: Miloslav neobjavil nič takéto fascinujúce už dávno.
En: Miloslav had not found anything so fascinating in a long time.

Sk: Jeho oči svietili túžbou po dokonalých záberoch.
En: His eyes shone with the desire for perfect shots.

Sk: Keď vkročili dnu, ticho ich obklopilo.
En: When they stepped inside, silence surrounded them.

Sk: Zafúkalo, dvere zavrčali a Jana sa nepatrne zachvela.
En: A gust of wind blew, the doors growled, and Jana shivered slightly.

Sk: Bola opatrná, jej srdce búšilo.
En: She was cautious, her heart pounding.

Sk: No držala sa pri Miloslavovi.
En: But she stayed close to Miloslav.

Sk: „Všetko je v poriadku,“ povedala si potichu, ale odhodlane.
En: “Everything is fine,” she quietly but resolutely told herself.

Sk: Miloslav sa rozhodol ísť hlbšie do fabriky.
En: Miloslav decided to go deeper into the factory.

Sk: Lákali ho staré stroje, ich nejasné kontúry a chladné kovové povrchy.
En: He was drawn to the old machines, their vague outlines, and cold metallic surfaces.

Sk: Jana s ním kráčala krok po kroku. V hlave sa snažila premôcť strach, urputne premáhala svoju úzkosť.
En: Jana walked with him step by step, trying hard to overcome her fear and fiercely battling her anxiety.

Sk: Dostali sa do starého strojového oddelenia.
En: They reached the old machinery department.

Sk: Tu Miloslav našiel to, po čom túžil - perfektné miesto na fotografiu.
En: Here, Miloslav found what he was longing for - the perfect spot for a photograph.

Sk: Svietidlo jeho foťáku osvetlilo schátralé stroje, intrigujúce vzory tieňov a línií.
En: The light from his camera illuminated the dilapidated machines, intriguing patterns of shadows and lines.

Sk: Pripravil sa na fotenie, podlaha však zrazu hlasno vrzla.
En: He prepared to take photos, but suddenly the floor creaked loudly.

Sk: Srdce im na okamih zamrzlo.
En: Their hearts froze for a moment.

Sk: Jana stála nepohnuto, oči pevne zafixované na Miloslavovu tvár.
En: Jana stood motionless, her eyes firmly fixed on Miloslav's face.

Sk: On sa usmial na upokojenie a zvážil situáciu.
En: He smiled reassuringly and assessed the situation.

Sk: „Je to v poriadku,“ povedal, a opatrne zhotovil niekoľko záberov.
En: “It's okay,” he said, and carefully took several shots.

Sk: Boli nádherné.
En: They were magnificent.

Sk: S fotkami v ruke sa opatrne vydali von.
En: Carefully, they made their way out with the photos in hand.

Sk: Sneh sa začal pomaly sypať, jemné vločky padali na zem.
En: The snow began to fall slowly, gentle flakes descending to the ground.

Sk: Jana sa cítila silnejšia, bola pyšná, že sa dokázala postaviť svojmu strachu.
En: Jana felt stronger, proud that she had faced her fear.

Sk: Miloslav si vážil Janynu odvahu a jej priateľstvo ho napĺňalo hrdosťou.
En: Miloslav appreciated Jana's courage, and her friendship filled him with pride.

Sk: Keď opustili fabriku, obloha sa zahalila ťažkými mrakmi.
En: As they left the factory, the sky was cloaked with heavy clouds.

Sk: Smerom k mestu videli jantárové svetlá v diaľke.
En: In the direction of the town, they saw amber lights in the distance.

Sk: Napriek zimnému chladu cítili teplo v srdci.
En: Despite the winter chill, they felt warmth in their hearts.

Sk: Miloslav získal nové sebavedomie vo svojej práci, a Jana našla v sebe odolnosť, o ktorej ani netušila.
En: Miloslav gained new confidence in his work, and Jana found a resilience within herself that she'd never known.

Sk: Spoločne kráčali snežnou krajinou, spokojní, že zvládli všetko, čo si predsavzali.
En: Together they walked through the snowy landscape, content with having accomplished everything they set out to do.

Vocabulary Words:
  • penetrated: prenikal
  • abandoned: opustenú
  • outskirts: okraji
  • loyal: verná
  • enclosed: uzavretých
  • overcome: prekonať
  • shattered: rozbité
  • overgrown: zarastené
  • frost: mrazu
  • fascinating: fascinujúce
  • gust: zafúkalo
  • resolutely: odhodlane
  • vague: nejasné
  • outlines: kontúry
  • anxiety: úzkosť
  • machinery: strojového
  • dilapidated: schátralé
  • creaked: vrzla
  • motionless: nepohnuto
  • reassuringly: na upokojenie
  • assessed: zvážil
  • magnificent: nádherné
  • gentle: jemné
  • flakes: vločky
  • resilience: odolnosť
  • accomplished: zvládli
  • forgotten: zabudnutý
  • illuminated: osvetlilo
  • intriguing: intrigujúce
  • amber: jantárové
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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